"Pick the Tick" Logo: A case study from Australia.

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Introduction "Pick the Tick" program was designed by National Heart Foundation of Australia as a food & food products approval program. It is supposed to help consumers in decision-making process of choosing the right food products. It is considered that the consumers are not well versed with the encoded ingredient information on the product hence the NATIONAL HEART FOUNDATION tests the product and gives its approval for the nutritional contents of the product in form …

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…nhf.org.nz/food_industry/Ptt/downloads_contents.html, Accessed: 1st January 2003. Harding, S., (2002), Pick the Tick Research, [online], Available at: http://www.nhf.org.nz/food_industry/Ptt/downloads_contents.html, Accessed: 1st January 2003. Mukungu, P.J., (2000), Australia: Demography, [online], Available at: http://www.unchs.org/habrdd/conditions/Oceania/australia.htm, Accessed: 1st January 2003. Sullivan, J., (2000), Australia: Demography, [online], Available at: http://www.csudh.edu/global_options/375Students-Sp96/Australia/toc.html, Accessed: 1st January 2003.