Not Music To My Ears: <Tab/>Today's current music scene has steadily become filled with pre-packaged assembly line bands and singers.

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Not Music To My Ears Today's current music scene has steadily become filled with pre-packaged assembly line bands and singers. This pre-teen oriented pop phenomenon is repulsive. I see the so-called bands and singers for what they really are. They are passing trends made special, just for young teens, with all image and no real talent. For their own good, I can only hope these brainwashed kids will grow out of this horrible phase. Fabricated …

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…in life. Is this what we want youth listening to, taking in and copying? I believe that these boy bands and singers have no true staying power. I wish teenagers had the ability to look past all the glamour of these musical imposters and see through them for what they are: pre packaged and assembled to the pre-teens, by the pre-teens, and for the pre-teens. Is music not about the music anymore? Was it ever?