Is face-to-face (F2F) communication necessary for the expression of emotions? What effects have the use of SMS on the development and maintenance of relationships today?

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
Is face-to-face (F2F) communication necessary for the expression of emotions? What effects have the use of SMS on the development and maintenance of relationships today? Can one express themselves via SMS or is it merely an act of self-preservation? Firstly the difference between expression and communication shall be outlined in accordance with the terminology of Goffman.. Goffmans terminology will be applied to the nature of SMS communication. According to Goffman (1969), expression refers to gesture, …

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…interaction involves the transmitting of a communicative, expressive, presentational, discursive, analytic and digital message. Text messaging is undoubtedly a limited form of interaction. So Far, the distinction between communication and expression has been clarified. By using the parallel arguments of Discursive Vs Presentational and Digital Vs analytical we have found characteristics of communication which are applicable to the nature of SMS interaction. These augment the assertion that SMS itself is a form of communicative interaction.