Influence of Ancient Greek Times

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Influence of Ancient Greek Times All through history the Greeks have influenced our lives in more ways than most people could imagine. To this day we use many ideas and ways of life that the Greeks used thousands of years ago. "Everywhere Greek traders went, they took Greek ideas with them. People throughout the ancient world were influenced by Greek thought and culture." "Their greatness was largely the result of achievements of their artists, scientists, …

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…to date, and it served as the basis for the later Latin writers to adapt. Adventure, brilliance, invention, romance and scenic effect, together with delightful lyrics and wisdom, were the gifts of the Greek theater. These conventions Bundy 10 strongly affected subsequent plays and playwrights, having put forth influence on theater throughout the centuries. Through these times, the Greeks produced many great and important idea's, people, and playwrites that would inhance the arts of drama forever.