Indian Imperialism

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Essay Database > History
Britian was the most powerful country at the time of its empire in India. Between 1850 to 1890, Great Britian had a very powerful control over the world. Expanding from, fromerly known, United Kingdom to China and from China to the North America's maybe South America. It had terrotories between these land masses. With its naval glory and pride and its superiour land army, India was just another country to take over who played a big part …

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…rule from 1939-47, brought another phase - the production of capital goods for the domestic market. It started with factories and the mining of natural resources, but it eventually came to India's fully industralized civilazation, and that's not all. British rule taught Indians to see themselves as Indians, and its benefits included railways, roads, canals, schools, universities, hospitals, law and a universal language. There were also habits of mind and government which derived from Britain.