"Imagery is the essential component in poetry". Discuss the appropriateness of this claim with reference to two poets studied.

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Essay Database > Literature > Poetry
"Imagery is the essential component in poetry". Discuss the appropriateness of this claim with reference to two poets studied. Imagery in poetry gives it depth, interest and feeling, in short it makes it come alive. There are various ways of doing this with imagery; with straightforward descriptive writing or using metaphors(of which there are a few different kinds), similes and symbolism. In order to show the absolute appropriateness of the claim that imagery is …

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…it emphasises a feeling and vivid imagery helps the reader see the point the poet may be trying to make. It is indeed an essential component of the poetry of the two poets I have discussed, I would have to do a close reading of all the poems in the world to attempt to answer the question to its fullest degree, but it would seem that most poetry uses imagery in one form or another.