How the 'social contract' described by Hobbs and Locke led to the formation of the United States and the citizens role in maintaining the social contract today.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Politics
The Social Contract and the formation of the United States For most of recorded history, with brief exceptions, i.e. ancient Greece and Rome, mankind has lived under the rule or control of a single man or a group of men. The majority of men therefore lived in a state of insecurity, fear and terror. Imagine living under the power of a man who had control over all aspects of your life. He could take …

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…to the political system with our voting power. Some people believe that their vote does not count, but remember our last presidential election; where we saw that a single vote can make a world of difference, thereby changing the direction of history. In order to maintain the 'social contract' we must depend on each other and remain active in the political process less we lose our rights of self-preservation, security and the pursuit of happiness.