"God's existence, or His lack of it" - Saaim Khan

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Controversial Issues
"If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent Him" Voltaire It is said that man is a being, who requires an entity above him. I'd like to state, in my view, that man is an insecure animal. He requires something to believe in, a sort of wall to lean on. This is the same line of argument that most atheists use to argue their belief that God is a creation of man. …

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…pting them as God (or Gods) but yet we have remained focused on one thing: the existence of a Divine entity. There is no doubt in my mind, that as we are progressing in the 21st century, a time will arise, when everybody will have their own definition of God and moreover, a hypothesis for His existence, or the lack of it. So to simply put it, we wouldn't be progressing, we would be regressing.