Fundamental causes leading to conflict in europe (tensions in Europe)

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Essay Database > History > European History
The fundamental causes of conflict were rooted deeply in the European history of the previous century, particularly in the political and economic policies that prevailed on the Continent after 1871, the year that marked the emergence of Germany as a great world power. Nationalism was strong in both Germany and France. Germans were proud of their new empire's military power and industrial leadership. France longed to regain its position as Europe's leading power. The underlying causes …

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…more funds to build up their forces. As militarism and arms race fed each other, tensions grew. Some of the consequences of these tensions were other states were drawn into alliances. Germany signed a treaty with the Ottoman empire, while Britain drew close to Japan. Rather than easing tensions, the growth of rival alliance systems made governments increasingly nervous. A local conflict could easily mushroom into general war. In 1914, that threat became a horrifying reality.