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Essay Database > Literature
Education Expanded On graduation day, most graduates are thinking only one thing: At last! Long years of sitting, pen in hand, listening to droning lecturers, painstakingly taking notes, cramming knowledge into my tender head, and enduring tortuous tests has come to an end. My education is over! It is possible that the education never started. Webster defines "education" as the process of educating or teaching (now that's really useful, isn't it?) Educate is further defined …

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…perhaps knowledge of information. Knowledge is gained in school. And knowledge is not an education in itself. Once a person can take his nuggets of information and apply them to everyday things then that person can consider himself educated. Until then, a high school or college education is as good as a book of facts. It is useful if you need to know something but worthless unless the information within is relative to the situation.