Drug Legalization

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Legality, Although it is clear that society is unhappy with current efforts to stop illegal drug smuggling, illegal drug use and distribution, no one seems to know what should be done. With drug use and drug related crime on the rise, some Americans argue that current drug law is too easy on drug offenders. Society at large asks, "Can we ever stop illegal drugs and their use?" It is a question that unfortunately has no …

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…not working and that a new approach may be necessary. It is clear that prohibition is not the answer, but before Americans start talking about fixing the problem, they must agree on what is broken. Bibliography Works Cited Ostrowski, James. "Has the Time Come to Legalize." USA Today Magazine 119 1990: 27-30. Morse, Stephen J. "War on Drugs Produces the Crime." Los Angeles Times 08 Apr. 1991, sec.2: 7. Nadelmann, Ethan a. "U.S. Drug Policy." Foreign Policy Spring 1988: 83-108.