Critical Comparisons Between Whitman And Dickinson

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Critical Comparisons Between Whitman And Dickinson Godey's Magazine, November, 1896, printed: "[Emily Dickinson] and Walt Whitman and Poe are this nation's most original contributions to the world's poetry. Poe was typical only to Poe. But Emily Dickinson and Whitman, with their unbending comradery with God and humanity, are our best realizations of the distinctively American spirit." Both Dickinson and Whitman are regarded as the founders of modern American poetry. Walt Whitman(1819-1892), for the time was …

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…them to see, directing them where to go. Dickinson is more of an impressionist, projecting carefully chosen words to her canvas that read like a puzzle that must be put together first. They are two of the most influential people in American poetry. Founders of modern American poetry. Reference: 1. Godey's Magazine, November, 1896 2. Albert Gelpi, The Tenth Muse: The Psyche of the American Poet [1975] 3. Karl Keller, The Only Kangaroo amon the Beauty: Emily Dickinson and America [1979]