Child Abuse

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Child Abuse Ever wonder why parents beat their children? When they grow older chances are they will show many traits of their parents. Alcoholism, Drug Abuse and adolescent pregnaancy are three major factors of child abuse. Parents who reveal these problems should attempt to get themselves proffessional halp. This way their children can be safe. Children are not only abused by their parents. They can be abuse by close reletives, close friends, or even strangers. …

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…of suspected child abuse and neglect are reported to State child protective service agencies in the United States (paulk 1). In a recent national survey, neglect represented 60% of confiremed cases; physical abuse 23%; sexual abuse 9%; and emotional abuse 4%; and all other forms of maltreatment 5% (paulk 1). In most cases of abused children their parents were abused as children just the same. Chances are since their parents were abused also, traits will pass down. At least 20% of American women.