Biography of the greek mathematician Pythagoras

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Mathematics
Pythagoras Pythagoras was a Greek philosopher and mathematician. He was born in Samos, Ionia around 580 b.c. Thales, who was another philosopher was the main teacher of Pythagoras. Pythagoras went to study further in Egypt so Thales couldn't teach him anymore. In Pythagoras' teenage years, he began to become known for his philosophic ideas. He also succeeded in math, astronomy, wrestling, and music. In music, he figured out that when a string is vibrating, the …

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…so that meant if you were a student, you'd have to obey the rules also. His followers also believed in reincarnation. Reincarnation- when one dies, their soul is transferred to another human beings body. Pythagoras died in Metapontum, Lucania in 500 b.c. Historians think that he fled and just barely escaped death when violence broke out in Crotona. When he died, a lot of his ideas were forgotten. We will always miss our dear Pythagorus.