"Betrayal." A more personal essay about betrayal. Refers to Hamlet, WWII, and a famous quote.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Psychology
Betrayal Over the past few years, I have gained much knowledge about betrayal. I have come to believe that it is close to the worst thing that people can do to each other (besides murder), and it's something that happens more and more as one grows older. By definition, betrayal can mean to be unfaithful, to deliver something to an enemy by treachery, or to desert a person in the time of need. Obviously, this …

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…need. As one can see, betrayal is a harshly wounding action. It can leave an imprint on a person's heart for many years and it can also make them lose trust in loved ones. To be betrayed is to be completely deceived, and that is a hard thing to endure. I say this because I know it. It has happened to me and I will never forget it, but I have definitely overcome the pain.