Backstreet Abortions

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Law Issues
Backstreet Abortions Backstreet Abortion is the term we use for illegal abortions, which are not performed in hospitals or clinics. Backstreet abortions were usually performed at the pregnant woman's house, she would pay the man/woman who performed it a sum of money. Then the abortion would be performed and after it was over the person would leave the patient whom usually died. In the UK, the Abortion Act 1967 was introduced largely to prevent this …

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…of a criminal abortion. Even before the Abortion Act, the number of women in danger after an illegal abortion were getting fewer. It is obviously impossible to get accurate numbers for such illegal activity, but the numbers of women admitted to hospital after botched abortions were decreasing years before 1967. Backstreet abortions were usually always performed early in a pregnancy. The development of a child makes it impossible to perform an abortion without any medical facilities.