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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Abortion Abortion on demand should be legal for many reasons. In countries where abortion is absolutely not tolerated it is a fact that women continue to receive abortions, from unqualified back-street abortionists or the village massage abortionist. Both of these individuals risk putting the woman through painful and potentially fatal tortures just in an attempt to abort a child. Each year 84 000 women die worldwide from failed abortion attempts. Because of anti-abortion legislation women avoid going …

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…after the first trimester because after this date, there is significantly more risk to the health of the woman. The medical profession provides legal abortions to women, and it is medical professionals who make up the panel of doctors who decide if a woman may have an abortion. These members examine what level of trauma the woman would suffer by having a child, and decide whether or not to grant an abortion to a woman.