A Narrowed Minded View of Christianity Compared to Other Religions

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Religion
Chris Pringle Phil 2010 A Narrowed Minded View of Christianity Compared to Other Religions In this course I have learned about many religions. I have agreed and disagreed on many of the topics. The religion I follow and worship is Christianity. So when I learn about other religions such as Hinduism and Buddhism, I tend to judge and compare them to Christianity. In this paper will compare and contrast Christianity to these other religions. The first …

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…is why I take advantage of any time I can learn about other religions. Still I stand by mine even though it also puts some doubts in my mind. But religion is such an important part of history along with our lives. It in a way guides us to do the right thing. That is the one fact all religions have in common. They all lean towards the right action or belief. Bib ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**