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Letter "S" » suicides
«Sometimes I wonder if suicides aren't in fact sad guardians of the meaning of life.»
«All failures - neurotics, psychotics, criminals, drunkards, problem children, suicides, perverts, and prostitutes - are failures because they are lacking in social interest»
«Nine men in ten are would be suicides.»
«Ennui has made more gamblers than avarice, more drunkards than thirst, and perhaps as many suicides as despair.»
«The thought of suicide is a great source of comfort; with it a calm passage is to be made across many a bad night.»
«Civilization is drugs, alcohol, engines of war, prostitution, machines and machine slaves, low wages, bad food, bad taste, prisons, reformatories, lunatic asylums, divorce, perversion, brutal sports, suicides, infanticide, cinema, quackery, demagogy, strikes, lockouts, revolutions, putsches, colonization, electric chairs, guillotines, sabotage, floods, famine, disease, gangsters, money barons, horse racing, fashion shows, poodle dogs, chow dogs, Siamese cats, condoms, peccaries, syphilis, gonorrhea, insanity, neuroses, etc., etc.»
«If I had no sense of humor, I would long ago have committed suicide.»
«The religion that is afraid of science dishonors God and commits suicide.»
«There comes a time in every man's education when he arrives at the conviction that envy is ignorance, that imitation is suicide, that he must take himself for better, or for worse as his portion.»
«Never attempt to murder a man who is committing suicide.»

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