womens rights

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Analysis Paper "The other Minority Group" When one thinks of a subordinate group, they usually think of the struggle of Native Americans or the plight of African Americans for equal rights. People tend to forget that women have had an equally difficult struggle for fair treatment. Women have historically had a lower status than men, no matter what their skin color. The struggle for women's rights can be compared to other groups such as African …

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…There are so many women that people just forget that they really are a subordinate group. Women have been called the "oppressed majority" (Schaefer 1975). Women are their own ethnic group. While the struggle for equality has progressed, the plight still continues. Bibliography Schaefer, R.T. (1975). Racial and Ethnic Groups. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Internet source: Historychannel.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography** Bibliography Schaefer, R.T. (1975). Racial and Ethnic Groups. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Internet source: Historychannel.com