women in music

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Music
History shows that women were not as big of participants in music as men until later in the medieval era. This is due to many obstacles that faced women disabling them from singing, playing any instruments, or even composing music. Although barriers were present, many women and nuns were able to surpass them, and make use of their abilities and skills. Women composers had many barriers to pass in order to be able to use …

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…ears) of the holy father and many of his lay contemporaries. Women were able to surpass the obstacles they were facing, and still were able to perform and compose music. Women played an important role in music during the medieval era. Although they were not accepted socially, but by time, they moved along and followed what they believed in, and eventually, got it. Bibliography BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1. Marshall, Kimberly. "Women's Musical Traditions" 2. Kamien, Roger. "Music An Appreciation"