welfare reform

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
The Welfare Reform Debate By Kim Angell America is engaged in difficult and complex policy debates over the critical issues over welfare reform. There are conflicting claims and disagreements over the meaning of the facts and figures relating to welfare. Most everyone would agree that the welfare system has gone from a well-meaning program designed to sustain people who are unable to work and provide for their children, to a program that has become counterproductive …

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…do not provide insurance, worker's compensation, and doesn't trigger the earned-income credit (Brushy Fork Institute of Berea College). So who is right on the welfare reform issues? Edelman gives solid reasons for revising the new welfare reform law while Cave feels that only a few will not benefit from the law. Both give valid opinions, but Edelman gives concrete information to the repercussions of the welfare reform, where as Cave is mostly stating his opinion.