toy story 2

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Essay Database > Entertainment > Movies & Film
When Pixar brought the original Toy Story out in 1995, many people were stunned at the quality of the movie. This was no mere theatrical release. It looked like live action, but it was all done on a computer (or, more precisely, many computers). The toys looked staggeringly real. They looked not like cartoon characters but what you might find on the floor of a kid's unkempt room. And what's more, they had more life than …

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…these toys' frailities, and it makes them so real to us. Kids see them and identify with the toys. We don't just have superheroes saving the day from evil. We have toys that might just as well be the children themselves, and you have to admire the verisimilitude of the script itself. It's a script that's racuously funny, with some references only the adults will get, and deliciously crisp - it's not a carbon-copy plot