the study of pheromones

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Pheromones 3 The Study of Pheromones The Scent of Attraction The chemical Pheromone is an odorous chemical released by an animal that affects the behaviors of the same species. The scent is often recognizable by the opposite sex or a child and its parent. James W. Kalat author of Biological Psychology states that most of the effects of pheromones depends on the activity of the vomeronasal organ. Kalat reports that the vomeronasal organ is made up …

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…containing specific male or female pheromones (A Natural History of the Senses). I suspect that when the experiment was done on the dental patients, where the dentist chairs were sprayed with pheromones, that these were the pheromones of an animal. This is because human pheromones have not been pinpointed yet, so I believe that the male animal pheromone attracted the female subjects, and the female animal pheromones attracted the male subjects to the respective chairs.