the stranger

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Other/None: The Stranger by Albert CamusMarch 20, 1998 THE STRANGER The Stranger, by Albert Camus, is about the life of a very complex character named Meursault. Meursault is a very stolid person, who isn't given to shows of emotions. He remains this way through most of the book, but towards the end, he starts to become more feeling. He is what would be considered an "existentialist" today and examples can be selected to show how he …

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…unique but isolated, finds the world to be indifferent or hostile, life to be unexplainable, romance to be fallacy, emotions to be detrimental and absurd; --that man has freedom of choice; and that man has to be responsible for his actions. These are all shown in various instances throughout the book. The complexity of this character, trying to figure out what is going through Meursault's mind, has made the book as popular as it is.