the grapes of wrath

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Annotated Bibliography Milton, J. 1991. The First Born. USA: Harvard College. John Milton, at Harvard College, wrote this book. This book mainly deals with the first born child and his/her role in the family. The First Born gets very into detail about the characteristics of the first born child and the child's relationship with the parents. The book also went into detail about the first born child's relationship with the other siblings in the family. …

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…study and research. Jordan, P. The Effects of Birth Order. Toronto: Smith & Porter co. This book was once again about the birth order in a family. It provided many diagrams and bar graphs to display reoccurring trends in families over the past couple years with birth order and family traits. It provided a lot of information and showed how the trends proved over the years spanning 20 or so years. Bibliography smith, l. (1992) Grapes of Wrath