the crucible

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Essay Database > Literature > English
The Crucible Many of the characters in The Crucible become changed by the end of the play. Three of the characters who change a lot are John Proctor, Reverend Hale, and Mary Warren. It is shown that John Proctor changes in his willingness to have anything to do with the witch hunt and his moral decisions. Reverend Hale changes his personal outlook on and role in the witch hunt throughout the play, and he changes …

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…Many characters in this play are changed by the end. John Proctor, Reverend Hale, and Mary Warren all change a lot, whether by their willingness to have anything to do with the witch hunt, their moral decisions, their personal outlook on and role in the witch hunt, their general attitude towards the justness of witch hunts, the court, and the church, or their ideas about sin. Their changes make huge impacts on themselves and others.