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Essay Database > Literature > English
Help Put Out the Butt in Teen Smoking You could probably walk around your neighborhood and see groups of teenagers smoking. In fact, there 6,000 teens that start smoking everyday and 3,000 of them will make the choice to continue smoking. Throughout this essay, I will give you facts on why it is smart to either stop smoking now or never start. You probably ask yourself, "Why do teens smoke?" There are many explanations to that question. …

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…child will find a way to continue smoking. I mean, they find a way to buy cigarettes, right? Smoking is a disgusting, addictive habit. It leaves a horrible stench on the smokers possessions and it not only endangers their own health, but people around them also. I hope that all this information has made you think twice about picking up a cigarette. You only have one life, and unlike any cigarette merchandise, it is non-refundable.