sunrise, sunset from Henry IV part 1

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Sunrise, Sunset In Shakespeare's play, Henry IV part 1, there is a contrast established between a bloody rebellion and drunken frivolity, which establishes the question of the play; honor in death or cowardice in life. Their are several contrasting characters and events which help to establish this question; the foils are Prince Hal to Hotspur, Falstaff to King Henry, and the robbing of crowns, money or monarchy. Shakespeare's addition of the Falstaff scenes to the story …

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…his own question. By having Hal win the fight and act as he does with Falstaff, Shakespeare is saying that life is to be fought for, but it is also to be enjoyed. If life is not enjoyed, then their is nothing to fight for. If life is not fought for, then it is not worth being enjoyed. Shakespeare is saying that a sunrise or sunset is much better then the sun or the moon.