suicide the killer

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Essay Database > Literature > English
On a Global and European level: The Centre for Suicide Research and Prevention is a WHO Collaborating Centre for suicide research and prevention since 1997. The Centre participates in the planning and administration of a global system for epidemiological surveillance of suicide preventive activities. Together with Professor Diego de Leo, Padura University, Italy, the Centre directs the "Five Continent Project in Suicide prevention". The purpose of this project is to provide guidelines within different fields of …

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…teenagers and older adults. "The depression syndrome refers to a cluster of behaviors and emotions that include both anxiety and depression; including feeling lonely, crying, fear of doing bad things, feeling the need to be perfect, feeling unloved, feeling worthless, nervous or guilty, or sad and worrying" (Santrock, 474). Depression syndrome wraps a lot of problems into one concrete definition and can incorporate a lot of problems. Even though, it may not be the only factor.