study of gorillas

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Los Angeles Zoo OBJECTIVE The purpose of this observation was to study the activities and behavior of some selected primates, and to discuss the differences and similarities of these primates. It would have been ideal to examine three primates from each continent, but at the Los Angeles Zoo, the primates there only represented Africa, South America and what the Los Angeles zoo calls "Eurasia." For this study I observed three different primates from Africa, two …

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…and swinging most of the time, and when they would stop swinging they would remain stationary on a supported branch. I didnt notice them eating as much as the other primates. Bibliography 1. Michael, R.,1973, Comparative Ecology and Behavior of Primates, Academic Press, London. 2. Quiatt, D., 1994, Homonid Culture in Primate Perspective, University Press of Colorado, Niwot, Colorado. 3. Tattersall, I., 1993 January, Scientific America, Madagascars Lemurs, pp110-117. 4. Waal, F., 1989, Peacemaking among Primates, Harvard University Press, London England.