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Essay Database > Literature > English
Sports will always bring out the best in an individual. One's competitive nature only shows how much love one has for the game (whatever game that might be). In Arnold Adoff's "My knee is Only Sprained" and James Whitehead's "Good Linemen Live in a Closed World" express just how much love one has for the game, even though the poems are about two different sports. "My Knee is Only Sprained" doesn't talk about a specific …

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…game". Adoff is talking from a first-person point of view and Whitehead could possibly be talking from a third-person point of view, but they both are clearly conveying the same message of that they have tremendous love for their respective games. Even though the two poems are written by two different authors, and are about two different sports, they both share a common bond when one talks about the love one has for their game.