social security

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
In the 2000 election both candidates have made many proposals regarding issues that are important to the people. The one issue that I feel is Social Security. Social Security is the money that hard working people make and should stay theirs. In 1935 an act called The Social Security Act was made. This set up an insurance system called Social Security. The system has three major parts: old age, survivors of wars, and disability insurance; unemployment insurance; …

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…the first place. To truly save Social Security, something politically uncomfortable will have to be done, whether it's raising payroll taxes, cutting benefits or raising the age of eligibility. Bush has already promised no new payroll taxes; Gore's hoping to avoid all three. Despite the sudden emergence of a serious election-year debate on a very big issue, there's still a lot of parts of the puzzle no one wants to talk about ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography** none