single sex education

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Single Sex Education? Why would anyone want to go to an all girls' school? This is a question I have often pondered. Can you imagine school without the obnoxious comments from boys, football games, and gossiping about boys? This doesn't sound like a lot of fun, does it? You girls may think about this and decide there are no advantages to an all girls' school, but in reality, all girls' schools have many. Believe it …

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…our needs, which is very beneficial to receiving an effective education. We can also focus on forming friendships with other girls in the school without worrying about them stealing our boyfriends. Catty gossip can be eliminated from everyday school life, allowing us to fully concentrate on our education. Our education should be our first priority in life, and an all girls school in turn makes us their first priority, improving the quality of our education.