sharm el shiekh trip

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Essay Database > Literature > English
SHARM EL SHEIKH, "Each one of us has his dreams about a lovely honeymoon; I think Sharm El Sheikh Baron Resort could meet everyone's reveries." Sandy Magdy said. Sharm El Shiekh Baron Resort has a promenade along the romantic beach of Ras Nosrani Bay and the Red Sea infront of it, stretching along the 500 meters private beach. Mr. Michael Shahin always takes his wife Sandy there, that started by a honeymoon in the beginning. "It …

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…it is a place where you get to feel the warm breeze in your face and where you can count the colers of the sunset. Sandy was always relaxing and lying down lazily with her partner. The couple lastly said that when they first came, they were sure that all the hectic months of planning their wedding and preparing for a new future would be instantly forgotten, replaced with love thoughts of a memorable honeymoon.