school violence

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
May 21, 1998: Loner Kip Kinkel, 15, murders his parents, booby-traps his home with explosives and then kills two classmates and injures 22 during a rampage at his Oregon high school. April 20, 1999: Columbine High School misfits, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, stage a bombs-and-bullets massacre, slaughtering 12 students and a teacher before committing suicide. May 21, 1999: Lovelorn sophomore, T.J. Solomon, wounds six students at a school in suburban Georgia after being dumped by his girlfriend. Feb. 29, 2000: Flint, Michigan, six-year-old shoots …

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…done and the all the statistics have been recorded, the issue remains that violence is a serious problem in our schools. Our school system is just a reflection of the society we live in; as violence sweeps across the streets of America it will remain to affect the education process. Unless we find a way to prevent violence from taking place inside and around our schools, the education process will always be at a struggle.