rationalism and Religion

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Essay Database > Literature > English
We are the Perfection of Imperfectness The question of the co-existence between rationalism and religion has been argued by many philosophers, such as Descartes. The compatibility between rationalism and religion has brought up many different ideas and thoughts. I do not think that both can be compatible. In English, the word rationalism derives from the Latin word ratio, which means reason. We define rationalism as a system of though that emphasizes the role of reason …

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…his views, I just can not agree fully with them. I see a big difference in those who "doubt" and in those who question in terms of rationalistic ways of thinking. Those who "doubt" do not believe, and those who question do not understand. Those who do not understand, derive a system of though to complicate what they don't understand. I am convinced that rationalism and religion are not compatible. I am not sure why?