quest for fire

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Pages: 2
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Essay Database > Literature > English
Quest for Fire This story happens 80,000 years ago when our ancestors first discovered the power of fire, but did not know how to master it. One day, a peaceful tribe is attacked by apes and wolves. Many die in the fighting and the tribe is forced to leave their territory. They move to a small island, and on their way, they lose their treasure—fire. Fire to them is like the door to a house. …

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…world where the secret of how to make fire is as momentous as we would regard the moon landing today . . . This movie also makes me feel grateful that I do not live 80,000 years ago. Their life is brutal and savage. They have no houses, no cars and they have to fight with animals face to face. Compared to them, we are living in a paradise right now. Bibliography a review of movie "quest for fire"