old man and the sea

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Kelley P. Carmichael English 11 Mrs. Schall May 30, 2000 The story takes place in 1963 in the gulf stream, this is where the old man takes his boat out to. The old man lives in a small village by the beach. The main characters in this book are Santiago, manolin, the marlin, los galanos, and the mako shark. Santiago is the old man. Santiago is a widow and he lives alone. Manolin is the young boy and he …

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…the sight of the old man's bleeding hands. Then the boy and the old man discuss baseball and the great DiMaggio. The boy promises to go fishing with the old man from now on. The impact of the book could be Christian like or life related. People struggle through things and think that they cant get out of their problems. All one needs is self pride and courage and the impossible can happen. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**