old man and the sea

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Author: Ernest Hemingways' colorful life as a big game hunter, fisherman, and Nobel Prize winner began in quiet Oak Park, Illinois, July 21, 1899. In high school Hemingway played football and also boxed and it was the latter which was responsible for a permanent eye injury that caused the army to reject his efforts to enlist in World War I. Boxing, however, finally proved to be an asset to Hemingway, for it gave him a lasting enthusiasm …

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…u recommend it? Yes. To whom? Everyone who can read a novel. Why? Well a classic is defined as something that transcends time and remains true generation after generation. This book has earned its title as a classic. It teaches a lesson that everyone should learn. Everyone should read it, maybe someone can actually pick up what the author has to say and apply it to their lives. Follow the path that Santaigo had paved.