old man and the sea 2

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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
This novel weaves together the story of an old man, reflective and humble, and a giant Marlin, the largest ever seen, who engage in a struggle to the death. The novel is a wonderful mixture of all the distress and praise of life revisited and, in a way, it weighs out the experiences at face value as the old man recognizes his age and deteriorating old body. This book could be an extended metaphor of …

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…and a village in which he was honored. It is a parallel of life, a metaphor on what the meaning of life really is. Hemingway uses his book as a commentary on what is real and what is important. Experiences dwindle to memories, and frustration turns to exhaustion and all we have left are the things we hold close to our soul like baseball, lions on the beach and the peace within your own soul.