of mice and men

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Of Mice and Men Companionship and loneliness are two things that everyone feels at one time or another. Of Mice and Men by, John Steinbeck was the book with this theme. Lennie needed George as a companion to keep him out of trouble. George without Lennie would be a lot better off. Curley's wife with a companion would be better off in her struggle in life. Companionship is needed when in trouble and could be …

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…guide me through difficult situations. Although in some cases I might be able to get the certain cases by myself without help. A companion is always useful but being there all of the time could be irritating that is why you have a companion for when you need them but you should also be fine by yourself. Lennie and Curley's wife would benefit from having a companion but George would be better off by himself.