noni's house

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Noni's House After school, every day, I?d wait outside for Noni. Together, Noni, my cousin Lauren and I would go to Noni?s house. We watched TV, ate, and did our homework there. Lauren and I would often walk to the little store up the street for candy. Ignorant of the world around us, absorbed in our own quests. Contented with our candy, we would help Noni bake bread, make cavatelli, and grate cheese. …

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…I look back to a time when everything was done this way, families taking care of each other, a time of homemade bread. I look ahead to a time when everything will be done over the Internet. Are we really improving? Right now, we are in between these times. Will our children be better off than we were, growing up with more technology than even we can imagine now? I don?t think they will.