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Essay Database > Literature > English
Napster. This one word, this one company, is the cause of a great deal of talk in not only the media, but between people all across our country. Everybody is asking questions. How does it work? Who is behind it? What are the laws behind all these court cases? . Napster is a file sharing community, for music, on the Internet. Quite a few of the major music companies are suing the music sharing communities, like …

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…promote music as a whole. To give a final sense as to what is happening with Napster and the feelings of the majority of the music industry, Ben Folds delivers an excellent insight. "I can't believe Napster might be shut down. When people get excited about it, whether from hearing it on the radio or borrowing a record from a friend, or accessing it through Napster, they buy records and come out to the shows."