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Essay Database > Literature > English
There are many schools of literary criticism. One of the most popular schools is moral criticism. This school is often called philosophical criticism or ethical criticism. Moby Dick by Herman Melville is often the subject of moral criticism because of the religious undertones, morality of Ishmael, and symbolism, throughout the novel. The novel centers around the conflict between Captain Ahab, captain of the whaler Pequod, and Moby Dick, a great white whale that cause Ahab …

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…good and bad, such as Ishmael, will prevail. Moral Criticism is usually avoided because of the dogma associated with the school. However when a person relates to a character they are using moral criticism. Anyone who is effected in any way by a novel shows that moral criticism is necessary. In a classic such as Moby Dick, moral critics can help the reader understand different aspects and symbols of the novel which can ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**