misconceptions about social security

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Pages: 16
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Essay Database > Literature > English
MISCONCEPTIONS ABOUT SOCIAL SECURITY 1. The Social Security Trust Fund is an accounting fiction. The Social Security tax has been raising more money than is needed to pay for current benefits, in order to build up a surplus to help finance the retirement of the Baby Boom generation. All of this surplus is lent to the U.S. Treasury when the Social Security Trust Fund buys bonds from it. The money is then used to finance …

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…There is only one Constitutional solution. There is only one economically and morally sound system. Our nation must begin the difficult but manageable process of dismantling the Social Security system - yes, in total. The sooner the debate begins on how best to do it, on how to transition to free-market retirement options with their vast array of investment and retirement program choices, the sooner all Americans will remove the social insecurity in their futures.