mice and men

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Essay Database > Literature > English
John Steinbeck, Of Mice and Men A very famous book and movie which probably been revised a few time, I read this book when I was in Junior High, and then watch the movie in high school and then once in college. The story is about two men George and his simple-minded friend Lennie they both dream, as drifters will, of a place to call their own. But after they come to work on a …

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…continue. George's plan for Lennie to hide in the brush indicates that the two men may run into trouble once again. Also, Lennie's inability to physically control himself will prove an important plot point, as he moves from exerting his strength on small mice to actual persons. This foreshadowing is compounded by the recent calamity that George and Lennie suffered, blamed for attempting to harm a woman when he simply wanted to touch her dress.