media violence

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Television, which was only in nine percent of American households in 1950, is now in ninety-eight percent of them. America is the world leader in real crime and violence, which some scientists attribute to the imaginary violence we see on TV. All Americans, regardless of race, religion, gender, age, or social economic group, have been bound together by the shared cultural experience of television, but how does mass media influence people? In particular, does television violence …

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…news. Bibliography Works Cited Open Questions on the Correlation between TV & Violence Jonathan Vos Post (1995): 31 pages online Internet March 12, 1995 Available: New Studies on Television Violence & their significance for the kid's TV Debate Center for Education Priorities (1996): 3 pages online Internet February 1996 Available: Viewing Violence Madeline Levine Doubleday, 1996 Does TV Kill? PBS, Frontline Documentary Consortion of Public television stations, 1984-1992 Print materials, PBS 1992