media violence

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Human nature, not the media, is to blame for the violence that plagues our world.Countless violent acts are blamed on our television shows, magazines, and movies when in reality they only reflect the society that created them. Violence has existed as long as people have been in contact with each other. While the media does not necessarily promote this violence, it does not openly fight it. As long as man has walked the Earth …

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…caused people to be more violent, then our current murder rates would be rising, not declining. A recent FBI report shows that compared to 1996 murder rates that 1997 will have 5% less killings. Our forms of media just reflect the brutal society that we have become. We are a people that while not openly accepting violence do little to fight it. The media is just an unfortunate scapegoat for the undesirable aspects of the way we are.