mechanical energy

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
MECHANICAL ENERGY Have you ever wondered how a jet aircraft lifts its tremendous weight off the ground, or what gives a runner the stamina to reach the finish line in a race? In order to answer all these questions we must talk about the transformation of one sort of energy into another. The jet aircraft gets its power from jet turbines. These powerful jet engines create a high-pressure stream of very hot gases that push …

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…light and radio waves. Humans have also used the idea of nuclear reactions as a type of weapon. We call this powerful weapon the Atomic Bomb. Electrical energy can also be used to produce laser beams. This involves energy being concentrated to a specific narrow point where the impact of so much power creates heat able to cut through metals. Bibliography Bibliography Discovering Energy, Frazer, Frank Trewin Copplestone Books Ltd, 1981. Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol. 6 Encyclopedia Britannica, 1979.